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Getting back into the Hobby - what to do?


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Hi all,


I've been away for years and all this time (since 2011), i've had a Revo 3.3 converted to Brushless that has not run past a couple of 30 second runs on a path following my DIY build.


I have suddenly got an itch to have a play with it again and just got it out to have a look.


The batteries were 4S 30C 5000 LiPo and have been i the garage double bagged, but are bulging sightly so not wanting to risk them.


1st question is, is it really worth the time and effort getting this to work, or am I likely to find things have moved on significantly?

I'm thinking of the ESC and batteries mainly, as I can use new batteries on another build if this doesn't go well but, don't really want to spend loads just to see how this works.


The details of my car as it is now can still be seen on my original youtube vids (terrible car control) and comments as to what you would do are most welcome.

I'm not going to be bashing it hard, mainly field and gravel type driving, although there will be small jumps and off road saunts I'm sure.



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Think I'll do that as I'll need batteries no matter what car I end up with.


Have EC5 connectors on the car at the mo and they still seem to be used, so will look to a few different battery options.


Luckily, I have a 3D printer and the Revo chassis has some space for different sized trays, so could go to rigid cases if needed.


Is 30C, 5000mah still a good spec or are there better / cheaper (due to popularity / production volume etc) options nowadays?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update to my own thread.


Got round to sorting a couple of new batteries and went with 4S, 5200ma, 80C hard shells.


Gave thing a once over and updated the ESC firmware through USB into my laptop and had a quick 5 minutes in the small park area outside the house.


Still have the bent linkage as I didn't want to spend any more if it wasn't going to work or blow up through old electronics etc, but so far it has amazed me just how quick, agile and stable it is. Will try get videos of it running but it isn't too easy by oneself and it was too cold out to mess about for more than 10 minutes.


I also seem to have bought a FCX18 hummer to mess about with on slow stuff and a Maverick QuantumR flux for some tarmac ripping.


Am now thinking of upgrading the radio to a multi channel one so I can run all 3 (and possibly more) models from one, and also introduce a gyro to the Maverick. Down another hole I go.


So much for keeping the costs down. 😄

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