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New summit owner


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Hi all I have just picked up a 1/10 summit, I would says it's quite well used but still working well. I do have a few questions about diagnosing possible issues I may have any tips would be great too


First issue I have is that the rear diff lock doesnt seem to work correctly it engages and locks but I cant freely turn the rear wheels (by hand) once they are locked it does still drive

Second is the low range seems to have alot of slack in, once its engaged the motor turns a noticable few seconds before the wheels start turning and it seems to makes a strange noise (I'm not sure what it should sound like though) again it does drive. I have noticed that it's missing 1 clutch plate (new ones on the way) but I'm not sure if that would cause this problem, I also have checked the gear mesh and drive gears which are fine 

Any suggestions as to whether these things are normal or what parts are likely to be the culprits would be super helpful 

Thanks and sorry for the essay 

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Second issue is common. I say issue, its just how standardSummits are. Theres an upgraded part avaliable which completely removes the slop. Its genuinely the best hop up part Ive ever installed on any RC. Ill try and find out the name/brand of it.

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