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ESS ONE - RCPlus won't install sounds to device? (write error)


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Hey all!


Can't find anything online about this issue at the moment. I just received my ESS ONE (bough from Ali during BF sale, store gets good reviews, 700+ of these sold, box was sealed and all seems genuine), tried it in the car and it works. I have RCPlus installed, plug the device with the USB into my PC, RCPlus finds it. I go to install a new engine sound and I get a timeout error after it reaches 'restart audio library' or something like that. 

I then made the mistake of trying to factory reset it (same error), then tried rolling back to an older firmware version, which seemed to work in that RC plus now says its out of date but doesn't fix anything as I can't add any sounds to the box as I no longer have profiles to add to. I try updating the firmware back to the latest version and now get either error 403 Forbidden or Device Error: 0x0044 68. As soon as I click update, the device seems to disconnect from the software as it shows 'no device' then after the error it goes back to 'connecting...' then finds it again.

Tried reinstalling the RCPlus software direct from sense innovations website (as I'm not 100% sure where I got this copy, it was a few weeks back) but it refuses to install because it can't find the correct NET framework, which Microsoft won't let you install separately as there is already a newer version on the PC (think this is why I had to look elsewhere for it in the first place). 🙄


Anyone got any ideas? Hope I haven't bricked the box, RCPlus detects it ok so I don't think I have, but it failing to update is worrying.

Edited by ForeverRaynning
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Hi, I'm having similar problems with my ESS sound system, and another member of the local club had his working fine, then his computer stopped communicating with the system. Sorry I can't help but still looking for the solution, will post when I find it, 🤔

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Emailed Sense last night and they suggested lowering the serial port baud rate, and if that doesn’t work to email them again as it may be an issue with the SLink itself. So will report back if lowering that setting solves anything. Relieved to hear its not just me having issues! Seems odd some peoples work right away and some don’t though. 


UPDATE - AHA! That’s at least let me update the firmware back to normal or at least the dialog box sounded like it has (writing % went up normally this time, said it finished writing and to wait, then got to ‘waiting for reconnect’. Lowered rate from 921600 to 460800.


Took a bit of faff to get the box to reconnect to RCPlus, unplugging it and replugging it a couple times, but its connected now. Testing sound install now. We’ve hit ‘reload audio config’… oh great error response timed out again. Hmm, will keep trying.


UPDATE 2 - tried changing the rate lower, enabling short frame communication at various data lengths (that does seem to help getting the write percentage higher before error though) but still getting the timeout issue. Will keep trying stuff and if I can’t get it to work will email Sense again. 

Edited by ForeverRaynning
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sense got back to me again and suggested to try a different USB port or computor. Also offered to send me a new S-Link. So I said yes and on the meantime would try different ports. Plugged it into a USB port that’s directly connected my motherboard… and it worked. Wrote first time with no issues. So that may be the solution? I do get COM error in RCPLUS but waiting for a bit after that error without unplugging it or anything and it does find it, does seem to depend on which USB port as to how reliable that is though. 


Emailed back to say I actually don’t need a new s-link but they may send it out anyway, not sure. 


TL;DR - Solution may be as simple as using a different USB Port. 

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  • 1 month later...

i just got an Ess One+, downloaded one new engine sound with RcPlus, installed it on my rc, and it works fine.
BUT, now wherever i open RcPlus to download a new sound, the Sound Store wont open.. when i click the Store link nothing happens. ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling, no avail.
any suggestions?

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5 hours ago, Ghryst said:

i just got an Ess One+, downloaded one new engine sound with RcPlus, installed it on my rc, and it works fine.
BUT, now wherever i open RcPlus to download a new sound, the Sound Store wont open.. when i click the Store link nothing happens. ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling, no avail.
any suggestions?


Hmm, just opened mine and it works. Bit of a strange issue. 


I’m opening my RC plus from its folder in App Data (App Data (Windows Key + R, type “%appdata%” and hit enter)> Roaming (previous step should have put you in the roaming folder already) > RCPlus > Client > and then clicking the RCPlus app in there) - if you already know how to get there, sorry for techsplaining :lol:


Maybe try opening from there if you haven’t already, as well as opening as administrator? If that doesn’t work then I’m not sure what to suggest I’m afraid.

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