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Soldering lipos


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I’ve got an almost new 4s battery that has puffed up on one cell. I’m thinking I can turn it in to a 3s but I’ve never soldered directly onto lipos before. Am I right in thinking you need some kind of special solder and/or flux to be able to this?


I’m fairly confident with soldering, but perhaps not that quick. Do I need to worry about putting too much heat into the lipo? Should I discharge to 3.0v?

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Bearing in mind that you would also have to solder on a 3s balance lead, and wondering about the state of the remaining 3 cells i would err on the side of caution and dispose of it. If its almost new could you claim on warranty ?

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Corally would not honour the warranty, as its over 30 days since purchase but thankfully modelsport were good and are sending me a replacement. Just seems a waste to chuck this when it’s only had 2-3 cycles. Was thinking I can just remove the extra balance lead but leave the 4 pin plug on. My charger will still only recognise it as 3s. It’s also capable of showing me resistance when charging so I can check it’s all good when I charge it. I can then 3d print a new case for it.

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Well the lipo is now in a bucket of salt water in the garden!


I got it apart just fine but as usual I made it more complicated than it needed to be. I wanted to flip the new negative tab over and solder to the other side of it. It doesn’t work. A little more research told me I need aluminium specific liquid flux. Unfortunately I got the tab a bit hot and it started to melt the glue a little around the edge of the lipo so I’m not taking the risk. Good practice for next time though.



Edited by TommyC
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