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Back Again (again!) Recommendations Please :)


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17 minutes ago, m4inbrain said:


You could argue it's the replacement, yeah. If i'm not mistaken (i'm not 100% certain, so you'd need to confirm yourself), the E-Revo is now a 1/16th rig. 


The main issue with TRX connectors is that they're not compatible with normal chargers, without hassle - and vice versa. Of course, there's the price on top - you can get much better packs for much, much less money. You could use a normal LiPo with a TRX connector to connect to their ESCs, but again, i'd just resolder it to your connector of choice. The hobby is relentless, you'll not stick with just one RC eventually.


Bullet connectors like the XT90s etc are so simple to solder that, if you've ever held a soldering iron, it's childs play. I'd get two pairs of connectors (one to play with), and just get over it. 😉



Yeah, the Max8 has basically an unblemished record to the point where people generally assume user error first if one goes wrong. They're as bulletproof as ESCs come, and with OTA programmers etc they're convenient too. Not like there's many options left anyway, Castle is usually overpriced (and are less reliable), reserved for mostly "hardcore applications" (like speed running) due to a less strict/invasive amp/temp limiter. Max8 etc are built "safer", but you can wring more power out of a Castle system at the expense of safety. 


Noticed yesterday that there's a Mini Maxx coming, so i'll be having another Maxx (even if a tiny one lol) too, to put next to the big boi.


Will take a look into it then, loved my 1/8 E-revo


Oh OK, that must be the new ones then, cos mine just had a positive and negative connecter (no extra wires going in to them). They were so easy to use and connect/disconnect, not like 'Deans' (I've watched that Deans video in the other thread and agree with you lol).

Haha yeah I know, I'll end up with multiple models in the end, same as before. Will take a look at the XT90's, and good idea to get a couple of sets to practice with one 🙂


Good to know about the Max8 and Castle, thanks for the info. Castle used to/do make the Mamba didn't they? That was the one to have back then as far as I was aware.


Haha you could get all 3 and put them next to each other to show the size difference 😉

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1 minute ago, windmill84 said:

Good to know about the Max8 and Castle, thanks for the info. Castle used to/do make the Mamba didn't they? That was the one to have back then as far as I was aware.



Yeah they still do Mambas. The two notable ESC nowadays are the XLX2 (big boi ESC for speed running) and the MMX8s, 8s capable ESC for something up to an X-Maxx. I did run an MMX8s in a Kraton EXB (with a way too huge motor), did like it - but at almost twice the price of a HW system, failed to see the advantage really.


I could get all three, if it wasn't for the small issue that i also want a Typhon Grom and am currently planning my next crawler build - which, in the spread sheet, already sits neatly over four digits by a slight margin. Sadly, i'm not made of money. 😁


Putting it next to the X-Maxx has to (and will, for myself) suffice. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is the Wide Maxx ESC setup and ready to go OOTB? Will I need to/can I program it at all? I vaguely remember having to program an ESC (maybe a Mamba?) before putting it in (I think it was an E Revo) because the brake/drag was so strong OOTB it would just front flip as soon as you stopped/braked.


Is the Maxx good to go, out of the box?


I get paid on the 1st, so just trying to get my ducks in a row before I pull the trigger 😄

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Few things I found to double check after each run :


1. spur gear cover is plastic and part of the motor mount screws into it, being plastic it likes to let the screw back out and the mesh gets all out of whack so the spur gear gets eaten up. 


2. Rear drive shafts like to snap on heavy landing or one sided lands as in on that wheel.

After I switched from traxxas lipos was using big beefy 6700mah 4s ones,  I found running normal lighter packs 5000mah moved to the front of the battery tray stopped the snapping for me. I did an experiment with my old plastic drive shafts they were well on the way out and lasted all summer till I upgraded to metal drive shafts.


3. Check the bolts that hold the suspension arms in as they love to come loose after a good bash


Put some pics with arrows n stuff to show which bits to look for.


Think that`s it from my experience any way 🙂789789_LI.thumb.jpg.703bbd48e22ea92eebd9531f843ff50c.jpg89086-4-Maxx-Chassis-Top-View_LI.thumb.jpg.9296788b3d3f6bc9e5c5dd8a0585ccea.jpg

Edited by Partydaz
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Thanks Daz, that's really helpful/useful information. Much appreciated 🙂


Anyone got an opinion/recommendation on which lipos to get? I've not had a chance to do much research yet on those unfortunately, been a bit busy with work and a poorly child recently 🙄

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I went for these :


Gens Ace LiPo Car 4S 14.8V 5000mAh 60C with EC5 O-GC4S5000-60E5


Then I saw the light and started using this website for cheap but good lipos 


CNHL 4s Lipo Battery 5000mAh 70c with XT90 Plug | CNHL Graphene 14.8V 4S 70C Lipo Battery with XT90 Plug — ChinaHobbyLine

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12 minutes ago, Partydaz said:


Thanks Daz, appreciate the links - I'll check both of them out


8 minutes ago, Stormbringer said:

you can get decent lipos on Amazon at good prices like Zeee , Vorjay , Goldbat and Sunpadow amongst others


Thanks Stormbringer, I'll check out those brands too 🙂

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GensAce, CNHL and Zeee are all good. Go for what suits you best on those.


Note, CNHL packs are sometimes bigger/heavier than their capacity would suggest, so make sure you double check that. Let me rephrase that - GensAce and Zeee (and many others) are lighter/smaller than their capacity would suggest.


I personally nowadays only run CNHL, i have yet to have something go wrong - and i run up to 9500mah 4s (x2) packs. 

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36 minutes ago, Stormbringer said:

Its just a matter of shopping around to get the best prices as the brands mentioned are being used by members and if they werent any good folks would say :good:


Yep, good to know that they're being used by members 🙂 I guess I was after some 'size' (dimensional) advice, as in, yep, these ones fit the tray, or, don't touch X brand with a barge pole 🙂


33 minutes ago, m4inbrain said:

GensAce, CNHL and Zeee are all good. Go for what suits you best on those.


Note, CNHL packs are sometimes bigger/heavier than their capacity would suggest, so make sure you double check that. Let me rephrase that - GensAce and Zeee (and many others) are lighter/smaller than their capacity would suggest.


I personally nowadays only run CNHL, i have yet to have something go wrong - and i run up to 9500mah 4s (x2) packs. 


Thanks M4, good to know you trust lipos from CNHL. I'm a bit confused about your capacity statement though (sorry!) Do you mean that they say 5000mah on the pack, but in reality they're 4000mah? (as an example)

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2 minutes ago, Lone-wolf said:

Makes me laugh all the issues with a Traxxas model motor mount backing of to chew gears up drive shafts breaking and you can get an MJX Hyper go 10208 1/10th 4s basher for sub £200 and just about noting breaks.....just saying


Lol, well, no one told me about one of those! 😁

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12 minutes ago, windmill84 said:


Lol, well, no one told me about one of those! 😁

The MJX is a very good alternative if you dont have brand loyalty and yes if it does break you may have to wait a week for the parts but not the end of the world, the 1/10 will run 4s out of the box and lets just say mental fast, one thing i will say is the radio is acceptable but not stunning but upgrading to a Dumbo is only about £35, truck has normal battery plug not silly traxx plug.

But to balance things up Traxxas are renowned for spare parts back up, if it breaks you will get parts from local hobby shop most of the time and Traxxas usually perform pretty good

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1 hour ago, windmill84 said:

Thanks M4, good to know you trust lipos from CNHL. I'm a bit confused about your capacity statement though (sorry!) Do you mean that they say 5000mah on the pack, but in reality they're 4000mah? (as an example)


I mean that CNHL is the most likely manufacturer to hit the numbers they advertise, as opposed to some others. I've seen capacities as low as 3600mah on a 5000mah pack - LiPos are notorious for being mislabelled. That's why buying from a reputable source is important. 👍


57 minutes ago, Lone-wolf said:

Makes me laugh all the issues with a Traxxas model motor mount backing of to chew gears up drive shafts breaking and you can get an MJX Hyper go 10208 1/10th 4s basher for sub £200 and just about noting breaks.....just saying


If "motor mount screws backing out" is the only issue with a Maxx (one i haven't even encountered, and i had two of them) - then i'd argue you're pretty well set. Comparing it to a model noticeably smaller isn't quite fair either, even ignoring the fact that you're mistaken about the "nothing breaks" part. 




To be very clear, every RC breaks. Anyone suggesting otherwise is a fanboy or liar. I usually agree with Lone-wolf a lot, but on this occasion, the statement made is simply wrong.

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Anything can break, all i can say is the 2 MJX i own have been used hard and to date nothing has failed at all , not a single thing, on the 1/16 truck the wheelie bar has bent a little but its not broke, you can bet next time i run one it will more than likely destroy its self but it does seem they are pretty tough trucks

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15 minutes ago, Lone-wolf said:

Anything can break, all i can say is the 2 MJX i own have been used hard and to date nothing has failed at all , not a single thing, on the 1/16 truck the wheelie bar has bent a little but its not broke, you can bet next time i run one it will more than likely destroy its self but it does seem they are pretty tough trucks


Nothing ever broke on both my Maxx's or my X-Maxx (at least mechanically, i did have the VXL8s nope out) - that doesn't mean they don't break, i know they do. 😉


I'm not arguing against the MJX, it does seem a good value proposition - my argument is more in the rut of "you're always one bad landing away from a parts order". And when that day arrives (and it will arrive, with any RC), personally i'd much rather have a Traxxas (disregarding my well known opinions on the brand itself) than a chinese rig (be it MJX or WLToys "long number here"). 


For known faults, the Maxx does have a habit of breaking the rear driveshafts on a bad landing. They're <£15, available basically everywhere, and are changed in less than 5 minutes. In regards to comparison, the MJX compares much better to the MT10 and Sketer imho. 


That all said, i don't have a stake with Traxxas or any other manufacturer - in the end, go for what you think suits you best. 


edit: as an aside, i would rate chinese jobs much higher if there was a reliable and lasting(!) local parts support for them, but there generally isn't. It's always "order from ali", with all the joys that stem from there - be it unreliability, waiting times, crooked dealers etc - and within a year, maybe two, spares simply disappear. Same crap different name with Hobbyking rigs.

Edited by m4inbrain
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16 hours ago, Lone-wolf said:

The MJX is a very good alternative if you dont have brand loyalty and yes if it does break you may have to wait a week for the parts but not the end of the world, the 1/10 will run 4s out of the box and lets just say mental fast, one thing i will say is the radio is acceptable but not stunning but upgrading to a Dumbo is only about £35, truck has normal battery plug not silly traxx plug.

But to balance things up Traxxas are renowned for spare parts back up, if it breaks you will get parts from local hobby shop most of the time and Traxxas usually perform pretty good


Thanks for the tips, it's certainly useful to have all this info in one place that I can come back to later (MJX and Dumbo TX/RX)


15 hours ago, m4inbrain said:


I mean that CNHL is the most likely manufacturer to hit the numbers they advertise, as opposed to some others. I've seen capacities as low as 3600mah on a 5000mah pack - LiPos are notorious for being mislabelled. That's why buying from a reputable source is important. 👍



If "motor mount screws backing out" is the only issue with a Maxx (one i haven't even encountered, and i had two of them) - then i'd argue you're pretty well set. Comparing it to a model noticeably smaller isn't quite fair either, even ignoring the fact that you're mistaken about the "nothing breaks" part. 




To be very clear, every RC breaks. Anyone suggesting otherwise is a fanboy or liar. I usually agree with Lone-wolf a lot, but on this occasion, the statement made is simply wrong.


Ahh OK, thanks, that's what I thought you meant. That's not good that companies do that, bit cheeky! Would this be OK/fit the Maxx do you know? https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/pink-ultra-xr-lipo-4s-148v-5000mah-50c-multi-connector-xt90-ec5-trx-deans-lp-soft-1351864


I know you said about chopping the TRX connector off the ESC straight away, but I'm not 100% comfortable doing that yet, I just want to have a bit of a play first without having to modify anything, then I'll get into upgrading/modding when I feel more confident/want to change things lol


Yeah I'm aware that everything breaks, nothing is indestructible lol.


15 hours ago, Lone-wolf said:

Anything can break, all i can say is the 2 MJX i own have been used hard and to date nothing has failed at all , not a single thing, on the 1/16 truck the wheelie bar has bent a little but its not broke, you can bet next time i run one it will more than likely destroy its self but it does seem they are pretty tough trucks


I'm aware that stuff breaks, I'd be the unlucky one and trash whatever I get on the first run lol. Good to know that you have some experience with one though and think it's pretty tough 👍


15 hours ago, m4inbrain said:


Nothing ever broke on both my Maxx's or my X-Maxx (at least mechanically, i did have the VXL8s nope out) - that doesn't mean they don't break, i know they do. 😉


I'm not arguing against the MJX, it does seem a good value proposition - my argument is more in the rut of "you're always one bad landing away from a parts order". And when that day arrives (and it will arrive, with any RC), personally i'd much rather have a Traxxas (disregarding my well known opinions on the brand itself) than a chinese rig (be it MJX or WLToys "long number here"). 


For known faults, the Maxx does have a habit of breaking the rear driveshafts on a bad landing. They're <£15, available basically everywhere, and are changed in less than 5 minutes. In regards to comparison, the MJX compares much better to the MT10 and Sketer imho. 


That all said, i don't have a stake with Traxxas or any other manufacturer - in the end, go for what you think suits you best. 


edit: as an aside, i would rate chinese jobs much higher if there was a reliable and lasting(!) local parts support for them, but there generally isn't. It's always "order from ali", with all the joys that stem from there - be it unreliability, waiting times, crooked dealers etc - and within a year, maybe two, spares simply disappear. Same crap different name with Hobbyking rigs.


Guess I'll add some extra rear drive shafts then when I place my order then! 😉


I did like Traxxas models, they were pretty easy to work on and reasonably reliable, even if they are overpriced. I will probably try one of the Chinese variants one day, but I think initially I want something that I have a familiarity with, and has spare parts readily available cos I know I'll be breaking something (that's just my luck!)

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1 hour ago, windmill84 said:

Ahh OK, thanks, that's what I thought you meant. That's not good that companies do that, bit cheeky! Would this be OK/fit the Maxx do you know? https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/pink-ultra-xr-lipo-4s-148v-5000mah-50c-multi-connector-xt90-ec5-trx-deans-lp-soft-1351864


I know you said about chopping the TRX connector off the ESC straight away, but I'm not 100% comfortable doing that yet, I just want to have a bit of a play first without having to modify anything, then I'll get into upgrading/modding when I feel more confident/want to change things lol


Yeah I'm aware that everything breaks, nothing is indestructible lol.


I can tell you that it'll fit, never heard of those packs before. 


I'd probably go for this one:


edit: i lied, doesn't fit, gimme a minute. Battery tray size is 186x48x43. The GensAce one will fit, had a CNHL pack linked here before.


This one: https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/1361665


and buy an adaptor separately. I'm picky when it comes to LiPos, the ones you mentioned might be perfectly fine but with magic angry pixies, i always err on the safe side of things. Reason for discarding the CNHL pack i had linked prior is that the Maxx uses a "bar" to clamp the battery in, so the max height is an actual max height, or the tray doesn't close. The GensAce pack will fit. 


1 hour ago, windmill84 said:

Guess I'll add some extra rear drive shafts then when I place my order then! 😉


I did like Traxxas models, they were pretty easy to work on and reasonably reliable, even if they are overpriced. I will probably try one of the Chinese variants one day, but I think initially I want something that I have a familiarity with, and has spare parts readily available cos I know I'll be breaking something (that's just my luck!)


Nah, since Traxxas stuff basically arrives within 48 hours, just order a pair when you break one (one to replace, one for spares). No point in gathering spares if nothing's broken yet, imho. And you hit the nail on the head: Traxxas are (sometimes vastly) overpriced, but there's things that one simply can't argue with - be it ease of access to basically everything on the rig if it needs replacing, or the quality of the plastic used. 


I'm at the age now where i get angry at the price of Traxxas rigs (because they're overpriced) - but still buy them because, again age-related, i just can't be arsed to faff around anymore. I basically pay for convenience, that's how i see it. Bit arse, but in the end.. i'm german, my wife gets scared when i get angry at things lol, so i try to keep the german cursing in check. 😁

Edited by m4inbrain
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On 23/10/2024 at 09:39, m4inbrain said:


I can tell you that it'll fit, never heard of those packs before. 


I'd probably go for this one:


edit: i lied, doesn't fit, gimme a minute. Battery tray size is 186x48x43. The GensAce one will fit, had a CNHL pack linked here before.


This one: https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/1361665


and buy an adaptor separately. I'm picky when it comes to LiPos, the ones you mentioned might be perfectly fine but with magic angry pixies, i always err on the safe side of things. Reason for discarding the CNHL pack i had linked prior is that the Maxx uses a "bar" to clamp the battery in, so the max height is an actual max height, or the tray doesn't close. The GensAce pack will fit. 



Nah, since Traxxas stuff basically arrives within 48 hours, just order a pair when you break one (one to replace, one for spares). No point in gathering spares if nothing's broken yet, imho. And you hit the nail on the head: Traxxas are (sometimes vastly) overpriced, but there's things that one simply can't argue with - be it ease of access to basically everything on the rig if it needs replacing, or the quality of the plastic used. 


I'm at the age now where i get angry at the price of Traxxas rigs (because they're overpriced) - but still buy them because, again age-related, i just can't be arsed to faff around anymore. I basically pay for convenience, that's how i see it. Bit arse, but in the end.. i'm german, my wife gets scared when i get angry at things lol, so i try to keep the german cursing in check. 😁


Fair enough, so an adaptor like this then? https://www.modelsport.co.uk/product/absima-adaptor-plug-1-piece-xt-90-male-to-trx-female-1336844


Thanks for the Gens Ace link 🙂


Was the CNHL link this one? It says the size is +/- 5mm, so it might be alright? https://chinahobbyline.com/collections/cnhl-voltage-14-8v-4s-lipo-batteries/products/cnhl-gplus-series-5000mah-14-8v-4s-70c-lipo-battery-with-xt90-plug?_pos=2&_fid=1b7374369&_ss=c&variant=44278393143510


I also found this one on Amazon, a few of the reviews say "Used in my Maxx" etc, even though the size states it's too big? 😕 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08R9S3CLW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1




RE spares, I was just thinking I know I'm going to break something, so might as well get a spare that commonly breaks, that way if I break it I can carry on playing without having to wait for the delivery man to turn up 😁 Knowing me though, I'll end up breaking something else instead!


We don't want you getting angry now do we. Happy wife = happy life as they say! 😉

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Yeah that was the CNHL one. The main issue is that if you're even slightly too high, you can't close the battery tray anymore (unlike in rigs like Kratons etc where you have a strap as opposed to a bar that clicks in), so better be save than sorry. 


I think that's the correct adaptor, yeah.


That Sunpadow or whatever, nah. I personally wouldn't humour that pack (especially not from Amazon) - but i didn't recommend it, so @Stormbringer has to vouch here. 😄 


I wouldn't know, i'm german. Nobody is happy there. Just efficient. 😁

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I have a couple of Sunpadow packs and they are a couple of years old now and still going but I do prefer the Zeee brand as they seem to have more punch over the Sunpadow

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