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Brushed 540 motor identification help needed


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Hi, just going through my old 90s car spares and got a couple of 540 motors that have lost their labels, is there a guide or info somehwhere that I can use to work out the specs of each motor, eg. if it's an 18x2 etc?


I can see the brands Kyosho and Yokomo on the bell housings but there doesn't appear to be any model numbers etc.

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Sometimes there’s stuff written on the armatures, Epic did that with some, I’ve got at least one somewhere so will take a pic if I can find it. 

The colours of the can and endbell can help too. 

Beyond that it’s sometimes endless googling to find something close and hope for the best (educated-ish) guess.


Maybe even upload a pic and someone might recognise something….

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