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Wolfie1 slash

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I have had a slayer for years now but since i have gotten involved with lipo electric models i had quite fancied 1 of these, so just thought screw the expense and bought a (hopefully get this right) slash vxl 4x4 ultimate in orange, haven't had a chance to run it yet but have done some upgrades already


as soon as i put the batteries in the steering was woefully slow so had this new nimrod 35kg lying around to put it in, i also had a traxxas bec lying around so stuck that in too


that is all i have done to it so far, the slayer was bullet proof with the only thing ever failing was a driveshaft and normal wear and tear items so i think that speaks volumes

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Had this out yesterday for its first run, i have to say even though it looks like the slayer this is a completely different car in the way it handles, its way better in the way that its less likely to fall over but has less ground clearance so more thought is needed as to where to run it, that being said i did adjust the springs to give more ground clearance and that did make a difference to running on grass without really changing the handling, i know of a spot that is fine gravel i may just have to go and give it a go there and see what like.

Has anyone changed to the centre diff, how does that effect the handling and i assume it will do away with the slipper clutch?

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Today i put some cones in my back garden and made a track, i spent the majority of my day driving in circles, but first some all important upgrades

this is what mr dpd arrived with




what the lights look like, tried them again when it was dark, so cool


the aftermath of the first battery, every other battery after this wasnt even 1/4 of what you see here


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got to say this thing is a lot of fun, only thing that concerned me was temps, so hopefully thats has been remedied with these rocket fans, i had to grind a couple of slots so the fan would fit secuely/clip in to the shround on top,of the esc


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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided more speed was needed and changed the pinion to a 15t hardened steel 1 and also the spur to the same as stock but also hardened steel, first pull it ended up on its roof and no matter how i accelerated it just lifted up and tried to flip, so i changed the body shell to a prepainted proline flotek which was a challenge to say the least as none on the dimples to cut out matched up with the clipless system so after lots of measuring and marking i ended up with this its not 100% perfect but i think it will be great 


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Scorched rc have just released inner mud guards for the lcg clipless slash, so had to get a set, got them cut out and installed tonight, i am very plessed with the end result and they also fit with a proline body as this was something there was no info on


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  • 4 weeks later...

I had an original high cog Ultimate years ago, loved it, regret selling. 


A fella I knew a few years back bought one and got 125 Celsius on his motor! I don't know how long it lasted hitting those temps. 

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32 minutes ago, Kpowell911 said:

I believe @bunnie still has my old Slash. I do miss it to be honest. Regarding the centre diff, it works well, but its only rated for 2S running

I still do have it and it's one car I'd never sell. I tired the centre diff but it was pointless so went back to mod 1 gearing as I run 4s so i put that in a rustler 4x4vxl before I sold it. I have zero issue getting the power down.

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