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Carpet racing setup tips please


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So I haven't raced for a looong looong time. Although I always preferred off road stadium trucks and buggies. Sadly seems less of this these days.


Anyhow, I went to my first racing meet last week. Mini touring Cars. The car went ok, I need a lot of work I dare say. But I wouldn't mind honing the car in a bit more.


The car is a BSR M.Rage which I actually bought at the beginning of 2018 with the intent of racing it (Hobbyking had it one sale for £54 delivered 🙂 ).



Sadly the M.Rage seems discontinued these days, although I have managed to get a few spares. I have no intentions on buying another vehicle at this time.


Could anyone help with a good setup for carpet use?


The vehicle is built as per the manual. But has a lot of adjustability.


The only change I've made is to run some Shimizu Racing Treaded Tyres, Medium on the back and Hard on the front.


The car doesn't feel too bad, but it feels a little twitchy in a straight line and still very easy to potentially spin out or over turn into a corner. I've used the Expo and Dual Rates on the Tx to tone this down a bit (80% rate and 45% expo). But I'd like to be able to lean on it at high speed more.


Lower speed tight corners it has lots of grip and changes direction well. But a long high speed sweeping corner you don't feel like you can "lean" on it. You have to back off the throttle or spin out, although backing off the throttle also causes it twitch due to the weight transfer.


Any tips on what I should be doing with toe in or out? Or other changes I should look to make. Thanks.

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When i started racing my typhon, on astroturf, i asked everyone else what setup they where running and went from there

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