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Is this battery ok?


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Think this little 3s has taken a few too many head on collisions and become misshapen. Should I bin it?


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That would be the fun method 😆 but few ways you can do is safely. One way I do it is use an old 12v test lamp I knocked up years back when I was an apprentice.


Stick a 12v car bulb in the holder and wire it up with some crocodile clips and stick it in the lipo plug and wait for it to go out.


Now with this method it does discharge quite fast so I use a bucket filed with sand and bury the lipo in it and put the bucket in the middle of the concrete patio and keep a fire extinguisher at hand 😅.


Brass Batten Type Bulb Holder | eBay


From what I remember reading up few years back 12v bulb for 3s & 24v bulb for 4s and up.


Do this at your own risk 😛.

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