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On 08/12/2024 at 17:51, Lone-wolf said:

some pics of the new rod i have commissioned this is a vintage split cane 8ft 1lb 2ox Avon rod for large Perch and small Carp fishing, looks like it will be early January before its  finished and posted out, really looking forward to getting this hand crafted beauty

calder n hebble handle.JPG

intermediate whipping.JPG

red whipping.JPG

rod ferule.JPG

that looks awesome 😄

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1 minute ago, Yrkoon said:

that looks awesome 😄


i also caught the smallest crab ever on thursday and dad came with me last night and we caught about 5 fish each but i had to bonk one of the small ones on the head, smallowed a pretty big hook but he didnt die in vain, i used him as bait 🙂




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all crabs get let go, there was massive snag point from the harbour where i lost tons of green 20 pound braid, i re snagged it on thursday with my 60 pound braid line


i got tons of it in with my pike rods including other peoples stuff like mackereral flies etc and loads of dads red line from his beachcasters from the time he had 2 beach casters snagged


go pike rods i got massive vvclumps of weed out rooted and brought in 🙂


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had a 80 gram weight i lost got a whole rig back plus the weight lol


using 60 pound flat fish rigs lol at the end of 60 pound braid and about 40 pound on the lines that diverge to the hooks 🙂

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woohoo thursday day was a mental fishing day for me, i was fishing at the local harbour around 1pm and caught a small fish plus a crab on my first cast lol


by the time dad came down later after 4 pm i had caught 4 small fish and had just ran out of ragworm when he came down with the defrosted mackeral, good timing lol


by the end of the night i had 15 fish 14 small and dad had 5 i think.


the last fish i caught at the end was a cod of decent size for here any way and large enough to bonk and eat, which was a nice surprise lol


the cod was eaten with in an hour of catching it and gizmo was going mental when i was eating it lol






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  • 2 weeks later...

got a new beach caster earlier, first one i actually bought myself, says it can be used with multipliers or fixed spools as well was 80 quid 🙂




went for the 13 foot one.


went down harbour with dad earlier and we were very surprised to see it active with quite a few people fishing as well, got 6 small fish as usual between the new rod and my pike rod both using multipliers enjoying the new rod but want to get fishing with it in day time to practice casting it better then once i get better distance casting etc on it i can think of a more expensive beach one 🙂


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56 minutes ago, Stormbringer said:

At least you caught something lol :rofl:

Does seem a nice rod tho :good:

give ya a shot next time, im experimenting with how i cast it and some paid of earlier and had a few minor birds nests 🙂

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