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Need help setting up a corally asuga for drag racing

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I've recently got an asuga and I've been bashing it, drifting it and a rc drag event is going to happen near September, the issue is the tyres keep ballooning and the car doesn't have much traction but still puts the power down very well on a 18t pinion I've also orded a 46t spur which tyres should I go with, I've heard foams are very good for speedruns and drag racing but wear out more quickly than rubber tyres.


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Buggies can be great for drag racing, BUT whatever way you look at it, youre going to spend a fortune on tyres. Its quite common for tyres to only last one run. I used to run GRP On Road tyres on my HPI Vorza, and with a hardish compound you can get decent life too. These are mediums:




Unless a lot has changed in the passed few years, I found these were the best/cost effective option

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I've got the grps but the asuga kept spinning out, but now I got sweep road crushers rear and stock tyres at the front and it grips up very well, I also decided to get a new 6s 150c pack, as I was running 2x3s 20c batteries and that has significantly improved acceleration.

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