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Prolux easy glow problem?


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 I took out my nitro buggy for the first time this year for a proper thrashing. Or so I thought I would 🤔.  My prolux starter is doing weird stuff. The led light is flashing when connected to the plug. So I am struggling to start the thing. When I removed the glow plug and connected it to the prolux again I can see the glow plug is pulsating the same time as the led. I have lost the instructions over time so can't look back to them. I am using a fully charged 3s lipo so i cant see it as a power supply issue? When I got back home I connected it again and the led was solid indicating a good connection, just seems weird anyone know why it's flashing like that?




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  • 3 months later...

It is was new at the time. I have come to the conclusion that the battery I was using at that time was near its end of life. I have found another battery and haven't had problems as of yet.

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