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Has anyone used warhammer based paints on a bodyshell ?

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Afternoon all,


I suspect the answer will be no as they are water-based paints BUT has anyone used Warhammer paints (citadel, army painter etc..) on any RC car bodies. 


I ask as I have an absolute ton of them, and inks which have some fantastic colours which I cannot replicate with the generic RC brands of paints. I have an airbrush to use with these so I have a reasonable setup of sorts to paint. 


Am I living in fantasy again and need to return to the real world and go buy some RC based airbrush paint 😄



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I’d say for a hardbody they’ll do fine. 

For lexan I’d be unsure if it’d stick without some kind of primer layer. Best guess is to do tests on coke bottles and see how it goes, if it doesn’t stick maybe try something like Tamiya PS-55 as a primer layer and it might hold better. 

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Vallejo Premium Airbrush Colour is acrylic designed for lexan (amongst other materials). They do a matt varnish in the range, so if you used that as a primer I'm sure you could just use the normal Citadel, Army Painter stuff straight over it. It'll have no problem keying to the matt varnish.

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