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Kent and south East London

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The three main places I hang out with my RCs are:


Bluewater Plaza Middle Carpark. Mostly run the 1/8th buggy there for shake downs and testing adjustments.  it's almost always empty


Dartford Heath.  There are a few places in Dartford Heath that are great for all kinds of RC cars.  Sand and stone Humps and Jumps.  Nice big open grass area and a lovely flat but rough (if that makes sense) area of sand and stone.  I know for a fact they don't allow Planes up there anymore cause a kiddy got killed.  I've never been told not to run my RC cars up there though.  I just keep it considerate around the dog walkers.  I use all three of my RCs here.


Orpington Pump Track.  This is the area pictured in my cover photo on my profile.  It's tarmac with grass run off.  Bit small for the 1/8th buggy and I got sand paddles on the WLToys so I just run my stock HBX 16889A-Pro up there.  Took me a couple of visits to work out it's best suited at half throttle.  So I turn the ThD/R rate down to half and never (well almost) miss a landing 😄 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, found Eden Park Raceway near me.  It's in the BR3 postcode it's an outdoor off road track.  Was gonna take @Skyesgaming there once we'd built our little Tamiya kits.  However if it's the same place I've seen in some RC videos they have some pretty big stuff running around there on practice days.  Not exactly 'first treasured Tamiya friendly.  Not only that we're only on torque tuned motors so not too fast either.  However..I saw this vid from RCSparks this morning.


And this new track seems much more 'in tune' with what Sam and I will need



Eden Park Raceway is NOT the track I saw in the Kevin Talbot videos.  It actually looks like a decent place to take a Tamiya (on a practice day of course)


Here's a video i found doing some deeper research 😄


Not sure who this chap is in the thumbnail 🤷‍♂️

Edited by SimplyChunk
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50 minutes ago, SimplyChunk said:

So i've cleaned up the WLToys and changed the rear tyres ready for a trip to the RochesterRC track on the 5th.  The prices seem quite reasonable:


That seems promising.


May have to dust off the MP10!

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2 hours ago, MrMcG said:

Please do 🙂

It's a wonderful place for Silver Can Tamiyas.  I've only seen one rule (so far): Nothing bigger than 1:10th.  To be fair my on 124016 brushless I had to turn the throttle down to about 40%.  They're targeting beginners first a foremost.  Which is excellent.  It's kind of the next step on after buying and building your first kit.  (I would have killed for something like this after building my first Tamiya)  I chatted with the guy that works there for a bit and I've been told about a couple of classes they plan to race.  They will have buggy racing.  The guy says he runs a 17T brushless motor in his.  They're planning on the cheap 'SG' cars series.  They've got a 'Tracer' series for the kids and the other one I was told about was 'plastic tub only' Touring cars.  It's like this to keep it accessible to a larger range of budgets.  They've got timing gear on the way and I've been told the transponders will be about 15 quid.  It's a wonderful wonderful place 🙂 As for practice though everyone 1:10th and smaller is welcome



Edited by SimplyChunk
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  • 7 months later...

Isn't Rochester track closed now?


On 27/05/2024 at 17:55, SimplyChunk said:

Here's a video i found doing some deeper research 😄


Not sure who this chap is in the thumbnail 🤷‍♂️

Lol I've seen this bloke he's the one that copies everything Kevin Talbot does 🤣

I think that's him anyway, looks like him.

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