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DumboRC receiver gyro steering problems


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Hello all,


I have got myself a few Dumbo receivers and a Dumbo DDF350 transmitter.


Now the trouble I am having is when the gyro is turned on, steering right I do not get as much steering as turning left. Turn the gyro off steering works as should, full steering left and right. 


I have tired this with 5 different old type Dumbo receivers with gyro 6ch ones and two new type 6 & 10ch (without gyro) and all the same problem. I have also used another Dumbo transmitter and still the same problem.


I am thinking there is no problem and I am setting it up wrong, any help from fellow Dumbo gyro users would be helpful, thanks 🙂

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Have you got the receiver mounted horizontal and level?

Is the RC level when powering on the receiver? 

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Yip I have tried it every way round also pressed the little button twice to switch gyro steering direction and even turned gyro off by pressing little button three times and it still gives crap steering to the right. I am going have a mess about with it this weekend in a different truck see what happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

May of sorted this, I have put my Dumbo kit in my new buggy and it works a treat. Seems I had to do the endpoints with the Gyro turned on but turned off on the transmitter. Working a treat now 😊

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I don't use the gyro in the buggy it seems after all the faffing 🙄, I wanted it fixed anyway because it was bugging me why I couldn't get it work 😆

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