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Was wondering what do you do with your old models?


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I'm so out of touch, all my gear is old. The E-Maxx trucks in particular, but I've spares knocking around for those two. 


The Savvy based trucks still have a fair amount of support. As do the 5ive and Baja. 


Maybe this'll be the year when I get some free time to indulge

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6 hours ago, karlo888 said:

Hi all,


was wondering what you all do with your our old models?

do you break them down for spare parts? Try and rebuild when  broken if parts can be found? 

Depends what they are.


Im genuinely not sentimental. If its not of use, and of no or little value, I bin it. Id rather throw something away and buy it again in the rare instance I do need it. As soon as parts become an issue, I sell or throw away ( hence why I dont have any Savage's anymore). I try to keep my fleet (non Tamiya) fresh. It keeps the value.For example, in your situation, the no brand RC monster truck you found in your loft, for me, it wouldnt be worth the effort, and it'd be in the bin. Others would try and salvage it, but I PERSONALLY wouldnt bother. I probably binned what originally retailed @ over a £1000 worth of RC stuff few day ago because I dont like to hoard.


Im aware im a big part of the problem of the throwaway culture we have today.

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28 minutes ago, Kpowell911 said:

Depends what they are.


Im genuinely not sentimental. If its not of use, and of no or little value, I bin it. Id rather throw something away and buy it again in the rare instance I do need it. As soon as parts become an issue, I sell or throw away ( hence why I dont have any Savage's anymore). I try to keep my fleet (non Tamiya) fresh. It keeps the value.For example, in your situation, the no brand RC monster truck you found in your loft, for me, it wouldnt be worth the effort, and it'd be in the bin. Others would try and salvage it, but I PERSONALLY wouldnt bother. I probably binned what originally retailed @ over a £1000 worth of RC stuff few day ago because I dont like to hoard.


Im aware im a big part of the problem of the throwaway culture we have today.

I need to live near you and go through your bins lol


yes I understand and debating what to do.  The ta02s were my first ever rc and the savage was my first ever built from scratch.


i was going to just ‘practice’ on my models until I get better then replace old with newer model, hopefully with same so can use parts but if not then other brands. 

just need to find a place besides public parks and garden to try jumps. 

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7 hours ago, karlo888 said:

I need to live near you and go through your bins lol



Was mainly wheels/tyres/bodyshells/motors/lipo’s/ninhs.  The batteries went in a special skip at a job I was on

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Most of my RC stuff is so non standard and personalised, I tend to just keep them.


I have a good pile of parts, which is where things like my 6WD 4WS Hyper 7 came from. You sort through the spares and chuck stuff on the bench and think...hmm....and a buggy is born. Hard to move that sort of thing on, as it's a bit niche, and very much for me.

Neither of my Savages are close to stock, so something like a Twinzilla chassis is something I would never get again if I sold it. Throw in handmade parts, and there is a lot of time and effort there to make something unique.


Oh..and my extra short extra wide FG Monster sized Baja is another one. But...I might be robbing that for parts to build a half track. If I can sort out the sprocket drives and differential braking system I think I need. That's how the German WW2 half tracks worked. The front wheels were undriven, and the steering was linked to both wheels and a track braking system. The US M3 style halftracks used a 4WD system. Which might be possible given the proximity of the driven wheels. You build a thing like that, and it's hard to just throw it away or sell it.


Mind you....I also haven't made a petrol Savage with a CY motor yet. I have several sketch plans for a hook up to a centre diff to keep the height down and still keep 4WD.

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I have quite a few older rc’s and some newer ones, some are in bits in a box in the loft which i have robbed bits off for other projects, some are just sitting there just needing batteries and fuel added, some i have sold and i have regretted selling them, others not so much, others are in the hallway in the house  on display cause they look nice and others are in my workshop up on shelves, mostly as i think they look cool in there after all it is my “man cave”. 1 thing i have never done though is throw 1 away, i paid good money for that thing and it just goes against how i was brought up

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I just hoard stuff with an “I’ll use it someday” kinda mentality. I’m also a builder so I find that stuff ends up in the spares bin so I can build what I can’t buy/afford or waiting on inspiration hitting. 

It is starting to verge on hoarding but I’m trying to stop keeping true junk but it’s only baby steps so far. 

On 28/02/2024 at 23:25, wolfie1 said:

it just goes against how i was brought up

This echoes with me too. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

i more or less hoard them or in the case of 2 kyosho dbx nitro buggies i completely stripped apart for screws etc and made use of their chassis to cow boy reinforcements for some of my more loved ones 🙂

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got 3 thunder tigers in the attic, one is a drifter that was barely used and the other 2 are a xxt and a xxb my first brushless ones, just a pity i cant get spares for them any more and the xxt is part hyper now, i had a load of hyper mini st parts and a lot of time on my hand and bodged it into living again before i chucked it in the attic, also have a ishima rave nitro and that is never getting converted to leccy, it reminds me of my glory days of good nitro fun as it has a less screechy engine and more of a grunty sounding one 🙂

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Usually think about selling them. 

And then put most of them in the spare / store room. 

I'm always chuffed when I go looking for spares for a build and there's a good choice, especially crawler parts for me. 

I've sold a few over the years and regretted it. 

Depends on how much they mean yourself. 

Some RC's you know you want rid. 

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