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Looking for someone to custom spray an rc bodyshell??


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As above I’m looking for someone who sprays rc bodies? I know shark fat used to do them but after looking on Facebook it seems he no longer does them. Is there anyone else in the uk who still does this? Got a nice Mcd bodyshell that I want painting and just don’t trust myself. 

any help much appreciated 

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18 hours ago, Stormbringer said:

@PraetoR uses or did use sharkfat and he uses totally average paint jobs as well 

Hopefully he will see this and chime in 


As far as I'm aware Sharkfat does still do it, but he's under such demand that he isn't taking any new orders just now and the queue is months long.


Totally Average Paintjobs has done my last two shells. Same sort of price as  Sharkfat, but less of a delay. Worth sending him a message on pussbook and see if he's available.

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