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Traxxas TRX-4 Sport + Expedition Rack!


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Hi guys,


So have been looking at my collection tonight and realised it's been weeks possibly months since i took the TRX4 Sport out for a run!


I just dont think i have the patience for crawling i think i prefer speed and bashing which is a shame because it is a quality machine.


This has literally been used no more than 5 times i simply dont have the right places to run it or make good use of it so think it may be time to let someone else enjoy it for what it is.


Is a little bit of a reluctant sale is it does look great especially with the expedition rack really sets off the standard shell. 


Cost of the truck was £400 + £75 on expedition rack and other mods such as metal servo horn. 


Have cut off the TRX connector and now running xt60 as all my pack run xt60.


Does not include transmitter or receiver this and a battery will be required for operation. 


I think £320  £300 posted via courier sounds fair.


Not interested in trades at this time require the funds for another project im working on. 

















Any questions feel free to PM me!









Edited by iRiCkYx
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3 minutes ago, Gaz! said:

what kind of swaps are you looking for mate?


I dont think crawling is for me if im honest plus i just dont have the right locations to run one. Would consider something 1/8th Scale or maybe even a limitless roller.

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