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XMAXX owners thread!


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34 minutes ago, rushboy2004 said:

So mine has arrived and here it is.


Notes so far. Handle well on tarmac car park.

8000mah batteries are a tight squeeze in to battery box - may struggle to get them in once they have swelled a bit with age.

Fills the boot of a Mondeo!




Its Big! (that's what she said!)



Found it a place for it to sleep till the weekend!



Is that a standard Summit wearing 40 series Mashers at the side?  Would love to see some comparison shots of the two rigs when you get time.



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Body height is fixed due to the way its mount to the frame for the quick release.


15 minutes ago, evssv said:

I`d b getting them tyres off the deck.....put it on sumin if I where u....:yes:

Already installed a box under car .

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1 minute ago, capri-boy said:


Is that a standard Summit wearing 40 series Mashers at the side?  Would love to see some comparison shots of the two rigs when you get time.



Yep Summit with 40 series Mashers.


Over weekend I get them out and take some comparison shots against some of my collection to help people get a idea of scale

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Ha. Evening all.  Just unboxed it. God it's big. Just registered it online with traxxas.  

I take it the chassis number is on the side of the battery tray. Begins with A000? 

Going to go though some checks over weekend Inc different oils and slipper clutch before the big run. 

First impressions apart from been massive.  Looks and feels well build considering its  all plastic.  Also it's heavy even with batteries. 

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It's a good system very simple and there is no way the mesh will slip unless the plastic breaks around the 2 locator pins which is very unlikely. Yes I plan on taking the front end off and looking at the servo etc tommorow. Not sure if the servo stays in when the front clip is removed, I hope so as the linkage/wires won't need to be removed everytime then. Front and rear diffs are interchangeable too ?


Yes evssv it's a joy, not as easy as a 5ive but for a MT and compared to the likes of the savy it's great. 

Edited by NG15
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Found these during some 'surfing' - don't know if they're really helpful: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Traxxas-X-Maxx-Billet-Body-Savers-Black-/272117632602?hash=item3f5b798e5a:g:mCoAAOSwa-dWqTGD


Then I found something like this, so there are other options: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ansmann-Racing-10-x-Silver-Alu-4mm-Washers-for-M4-Coutersund-Screws-RC-Dress-UP-/360499763334?hash=item53ef75d886:m:miKcR-b2pGeoz68qptrXSVQ


The Ansmann ones are for M4. Not certain what the 'X' bolts' sizes are.



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Mine is being delivered today between 1330 and 1430 by my driver Dorin. I am gonna lube her up and make her happy.


Just watched this not sure if the chap is on here the truck sounds real smooth and is quite rapid.


Another 5-10 mph would be off the scale.




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Not too shabby on 6S, could do with a bit more top speed, but once it's bounding across rough terrain, that's gonna look a whole lot faster. 


Any more news from the owners today? 

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