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39 minutes ago, James.S said:

27 years ago someone impaled a 60 pound pumpkin on the top of a spire at Cornell University in the middle of the night. It's over 170 feet off the ground

To this day, no one really knows who did it, why, and how this was accomplished without anyone noticing.

On October 8, 1997, passersby noticed a pumpkin on top of the tower's spire. Because of the danger involved in retrieving it, administrators decided to leave it until it rotted and fell off.

However, the pumpkin rapidly dried out in the cold air and remained on the tower until it was removed with a crane on March 13, 1998.



How the hell?!?! 🤩 There are pranks, then there's this ☝️



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A rare glimpse of the photographer, Charles C. Ebbets, casually squatting on a steel girder at 850 feet in the air. He is believed to be the person that took this:




Fun fact: the original negative for this shot, despite being a piece of American history, is now owned and archived by Visual China Group. 

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21 minutes ago, steephill said:

The size of the rivets on the RSJ in the first picture. I can't imagine how scary it would be to punch them in at that height. 

@horatio nice post mate :good:

Pretty damned scary I would imagine! 😅 The balls on them. 🤯


Worker at 850 feet: "alright mate, fancy a sarnie?"

Me at 850 feet: "I say old chap, I've come over all giddy - I hope you don't mind if I skip lunch and just cling on for dear life?"


Apparently the photos were taken as part of a publicity 'stunt', promoting a new building. However, that doesn't make the photo any less real. No Photoshop back then or green screen. The 'stunt' was literally lunch, on a beam at 850 feet. 🤯


Allegedly, there were a number of photographers present, too - thus why Ebbets got snapped taking his shot. Basically - they were all totally bonkers by today's standards. JFDI mentality. 'Just F****** Do It'.

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56 minutes ago, wolfie1 said:

Taken earlier this evening from my back garden, scotch mist at its finest


What a fine view you have! 😍 Cheers for sharing. 💪👍

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3 hours ago, Stormbringer said:

thats some girth on it :insane:

Yes - it's a real Chode of a tree.....😝


And it needs a trim. 🤣👍

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