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Strengthening my body shell


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Hi all!

Ive recently got a short course truck and as most of you know the shell is massive and i believe more prone to splitting than others.

Now I've heard people use that plaster joint tape then paste shoe goo over the top to harden it.

I'm very temped to do this as its supposed to make it more durable but what I'm worried about is if the shell is hard and not flexible will it not just snap on impact rather than bend?

Has anyone tried this method? Does it work? Are there any others??

Thanks a lot!

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  • 1 year later...

here is what i would do, because i love getting stuff dirty messy and full on crazy. 


first off blank off the wheel arches.

grab some vassoline and smother it inside the shell, you want a nice thin'ish coat all over inside

next grab a bag of paster of paris and mix it up. 


pour into the shell body and wait to set, then release your plug from its mould.

now some varnish, give your plaster plug a good coat of varnish, layer this up.

now some car wax, turtle wax is good, rub this onto your plug mould you want it covered with wax and shined a bit

get the wax in all the nooks and crannys. 


now cheap fibreglass and some cheap car plan fibregalss resin.

paint a thin layer of resin onto your plug then lay your fibres on and wet them with a brush

layer these over a few layers should do, beef up the front bonnet side skirts etc etc.

use strips one set horizontal one strip vertical.


leave to dry and pop your NEW fibregalssed shell from its mould. spray it up.

dril a couple mount holes and bash away. 


when it breaks you patch it up or even remould a new shell when you like.

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I Gorilla Taped the inside of a Firestorm Shell,  Made a good job of it, used a heat gun and some rounded dowels, and very sharp blades,  instead of just chucking it on,  Lot of work and It was a bit heavy, but lasted ages.

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