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*Losi LST & XXL Owners Club*


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On 09/06/2021 at 15:39, QRC said:

Any idea if there is a Proline shell which will fit, I am not the biggest fan of the stock xxl2e one....


Proline don't tend to make a lot of 8th MT shells anymore as they are no longer trendy.  I've struggled to get MT shells for my LST and my MGT lately so I've just trimmed up an LFR truggy shell to fit on my LST2.  My Mgt has just been given a savage XL shell to wear.  That is the shape of things in 2021.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone still run these? 


I wish these were a current model but I've decided to sell up and switch cars. 


I've got lots of brand new spares I'm putting on eBay. 


If anyone needs anything let me know and I'll see if I have it in my spares. I know some of these parts are getting rare.


I've put all my items in the for sale section.

Edited by vimto2000
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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys


Still loving my LST, went out with it yesterday in fact.   Also, desperately after views and subs for my channel, Here is a link to my LST refurb vid.  Where I service the slipper pads and steels, and generally tart bits up on the cheap.  I'd love yu folks to have a look.



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Mines not been used, it started making a terrible squeel so it shelved it, hoping its not the main transmission as also wasnt hooking up on the power like before, the tiny nut at the end of the transmission shaft wont go on any more, have i killed it or is it just the slipper pads? never had it slip before but 6s might have been to much punch for it.

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  • 3 years later...

Hi guys, how are we all?


Anyone still running their lst's? Mine hasn't had a run in many many years now! Must get it out of the loft at some point!

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